Why buy original art from Zatista? We'll tell you here
Why Matchy Matchy Can Be a Good Thing
Photograph: Adam Regan - Zatista Artist

Photograph: Adam Regan - Zatista Artist

Are you the girl who matches her earrings, bag, and shoes just to go to the grocery store? Perhaps you’re the guy who hangs your business shirts by cut and color. People might tease you and call you OCD, but in the end, your matchy matchy tendencies can be a great asset when it comes to choosing wall art for your home.

Here’s why:

Matchy matchy art creates a sense of flow. By coordinating the shapes, colors, or themes of your wall art, you will invoke a feeling of serenity and calm as you walk into each room.

Matchy matchy art jumpstarts conversations. Finding a series of complimentary paintings and photographs that tell a story ensures that your pieces will become instant conversation starters.

Matchy matchy art equals future possibilities. When you choose pieces of art that share something in common (colors, themes, shapes) you open the door to utilizing your pieces for years to come. A series of prints in the kitchen can easily become guest room wall art when you move into a new space.

Matchy matchy art is easier to sell. Tired of the three painting series you bought five years ago? You may find that selling off the paintings as a set may put money in your pocket faster, as you’ll be providing a full wall solution to someone with white space anxiety.

Misty Nile (1995)

Misty Nile (1995)

Not sure how to begin creating a unified look for one of the rooms in your home? Follow these easy steps.

1. Start your search by clicking here .
2. Decide which color you’d like to be the primary focus of your palette.
3. If you are interested in a certain theme (ie: ocean, floral, countryside), enter your keyword in the keyword box.

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